Workshop Descriptions Session 1
Friday 9:45-10:30
“Revitalize Research Using the Design Thinking Process”Plaza A
Joanna ArkansDesign thinking is a human-centered problem-solving process that depends on developing empathy, rapid prototyping, and frequent feedback and revision. Think problems and solutions. This approach was conceptualized by the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (affectionately called the How can design thinking revitalize a research project? There are many great facets to this process that will engage students and push them to wrestle deeply with a chosen problem.
Participant Takeaways
Participants will gain an understanding of the design thinking process. They will be able to apply this process or components of this process to their own research projects.
“Mermaids, Metacognition and Messiness: Engaging Middle School Students in Inquiry”
Plaza B
Kimberly Rouleau and Colleen Bonar
Through collegial collaboration, the presenters created and implemented a standards-based curriculum for a 6th grade library course. The course focused on student-led inquiry using interactive notebooks. The presenters will engage participants in activities that will model both the collaborative aspects of developing the unit, including the skills necessary for meaningful collaboration, as as well as the essential components of the work with the students themselves, which is based on the following Learning Targets:
- Students recognized and applied the components of the inquiry method to gain knowledge.
- Students developed and refined a range of questions to frame the search for new understanding.
- Students recognized, evaluated and selected appropriate sources to answer questions.
- Students understood how to use technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry.
- Students applied critical thinking skills (analysis synthesis, evaluation, and organization) to information and knowledge to construct new understanding, to create new knowledge, and to draw conclusions.
- Students organized knowledge so that it was useful.
- Student engaged in metacognition- thinking about thinking.
- Students used the writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create products to synthesize current understandings and that expressed new understandings.
Participant Takeaways
Participants will learn strategies for engaging students in close reading, note-taking and synthesizing information that they will be able to implement in their own libraries and classrooms.
“Expanding the Definition of Text”Plaza 1-2
Nicole Waskie-Laura and Susan LeBlanc
Expand your definition of text! Images and other non-print text can be used to promote critical reading, spark curiosity and initiate the inquiry cycle, instructional practices which are embedded in both The Common Core ELA Standards and Social Studies framework. This hands-on workshop will step participants through "close reading" a historical image and a related document. In addition, participants will leave with resources to build text sets to support inquiry and create library/content-area curricular connections.
Participant Takeaways
Participants will understand the basics of close reading an image, and how to use that process to teach close reading of printed text.
Participants will gain an awareness of cross-content standards that are supported by close-reading print and non-print resources.
Participants will identify resources for building multi-format text sets.
“Using Storytelling with the Common Core Standards”Plaza 3-4
Pamela Schembri
Storytelling has been the most common method of sharing information since humans have been able to speak. In this workshop you will learn how to incorporate storytelling into your library program. Using practical techniques and resources, librarians can help students achieve greater literacy comprehension, memory recall, and language patterns. Activities in the workshop include both the act of telling stories to students, and also teaching students to become storytellers. There will be practical methods to learn the art of storytelling, handouts to make the process easy, and links to resources.
Participant Takeaways
Participants will learn how to tell a story, using vocal techniques and kinesthetic language. They will learn the Common Core Standards applicable to storytelling. They will have a set of specific instructions on how to teach students to become storytellers, and they will have activities to incorporate storytelling into the language arts curriculum.
“Elevating and Empowering Librarians and Teachers-Become National Board Certified”Hudson ABC
Claudine Dixon
Only 27 LMS in NYS are National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT). It is the most respected professional certification available in education and is created by teachers for teachers.
NBCT is what accomplished, effective teachers should know and be able to do to improve student learning and achievement. This presentation will cover why NBCT is the best professional development you will ever do and how to achieve it.
Participant Takeaways
Participants will have a complete understanding of what National Board Certification is, how it benefits teachers and students, and how to achieve it. Funding options will also be presented.
“Maker Clubs in School Libraries”Sleepy Hollow Room
Rebecca Buerkett, Ana Canino-Fluit and Gail Brisson
Maker Clubs support lifelong learning, build problem solving skills, encourage diverse creative expression, build resiliency, improve technology skills, and enhance creativity and “out-of-the-box” thinking. Have you ever wanted to start a Maker Club program but aren’t sure where to start? In this session, three school librarians share their models for low-cost after-school Maker Club programs in their school libraries. Topics covered will include activity ideas, equipment and supplies, recruiting volunteers, funding considerations, program promotion, and more. Although these programs take place in elementary and middle school libraries, this presentation will be applicable to all youth libraries. Encourage creativity and exploration in your library patrons!
Participant Takeaways
Participants will walk away with concrete ideas about how to start a Maker Club in their own library, and resources and tools for how to get it done. They will also participate in a hands-on activity during the session.